Welcome to One Brush Beauty

OBB Where all are welcome, i write reviews, answer questions, give tips and advice on how to use the makeup that you have. OBB is really about easy yet beautiful make up, making you feel your best, and what products are out there to help you do that.

C x

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Now Follow me on Bloglovin'

Hii Everyone

So I know that probably all of you are now aware that Google reader is becoming extinct...
and I'm sure many of you have seen very similar blogs to this one. So I will keep it short and sweet.

There is this wonderful thing called Blog Lovin'! If you havent noticed my snazzy button in the corner of my page, I am pointing it out to you now! (hehe)

So if you would care to clickity click it and follow me on there then that would be grand! This way you can keep completely up-to-date on all of my One Brush Beauty  posts and goings on. Plus this way, when Google Reader is eventually no more we can still be friends!!

Thankyou to those who already follow me and a big HEY THERE and also thank you to any possible new followers...I look forward to your company.

Grande Love


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